Cognitive Robotics
Endowing a robot with intelligent behavior by providing it with a processing architecture that allows it to learn and reason about how to behave in response to complex goals in a complex world. Cognitive robots integrate perception, cognition and action.
Cognitive Robotics Playlist
Extremum Seeking Controlled Wiggling for Tactile Insertion
FeelAnyForce: Estimating Contact Force Feedback from Tactile Sensation
AcTExplore: Active Tactile Exploration on Unknown Objects
VAIolin — Music Education for All
Autonomous Social Distancing in Urban Environments using a Quadruped Robot
COVID-Robot: Monitoring Social Distancing Constraints in Crowded Scenarios
Crowd-Steer: Smooth and Collision-Free Navigation in Dense Scenarios Using High-Fidelity Simulation
ProxEmo: Gait-based Emotion Learning and Multiview Proxemic Fusion for Social-Aware Robot Navigation
GraphRQI: Classifying Driver Behaviors Using Graph Spectrums
Realtime Simulation of Thin-Shell Deformable Materials using CNN-Based Mesh Embedding
DenseCAvoid: Real-time Navigation in Dense Crowds using Anticipatory Behaviors
ENEE408I Squats
EVDodgeNet: Deep Dynamic Obstacle Dodging with Event Cameras [ICRA 2020]
Robot navigation in dense crowds
EV-IMO: Motion Segmentation Dataset and Learning Pipeline for Event Cameras
Unsupervised Learning of Dense Optical Flow, Depth and Egomotion from Sparse Event Data [Updated]
Robotic Imitation
GapFlyt: Active Vision Based Minimalist Structureless Gap Detection For Quadrotor Flight (IROS 2018)
microwave demo
Realtime Pedestrian Behavior Learning for Path Prediction and Navigation
Compliant Object Cleaning
Visual processes of action recognition
UMD robot that learns to cook by watching YouTube video
UMD robot learns to make a beverage by observing people.
Robotic Cleaning by Scrubbing
Bimanual Robotic Cleaning of Compliant Parts
New Robot Sensing Hand for Co-robotics
RoboSAM: Robotic Smart Assistant for Manufacturing
Baxter Robot Learning to Pour into a Moving Container
Using Failure-to-Success Transitions in an Imitation Learning Framework
Imitation Learning of Motion Parameters for Dynamic Manipulation Tasks
Semiautonomous Teleoperation
Stable with input output delay
Private video
Private video
John S. BarasDistinguished University Professor301.405.6606 | Profile |
Cornelia FermüllerResearch Scientist301.405.1768 | Profile |
Don PerlisProfessor Emeritus301-405-2685 | Profile |
James A. ReggiaProfessor Emeritus301-405-2686 | Profile |
Ramani DuraiswamiProfessor(301)405-6710 | Profile |
Dinesh ManochaDistinguished University Professor301.405.2741 | Profile |
Yiannis AloimonosProfessor301.405.1743 | Profile |
Ruohan GaoAssistant Professor| Profile |