You are invited to participate in the Maryland Robotics Center's activities. Select the option/s below that best meet your participation interest. If you have feedback you would like to share with us, please send it to

The Maryland Robotics Center is now offering several options for visitors:

  1. MRC hosts Open Lab hours every other Friday from 1:00pm - 2:00pm (see calendar for specific dates). Open Lab is available to anyone interested in viewing the Robotic and Autonomy Lab in the IDEA Factory. If you would like to participate, please RSVP by 5:00pm on the day before the date of your visit by sending an email to subject line Open Lab with your name, # of visitors, & visitor affiliation.
  2. For groups (4 people or more), MRC offers Group Tours three times a month. To book a Group Tour, check the availability (see calendar) and send an email to subject line Group Tour with the name of your group, # and age of visitors, & visitor affiliation. Group Tours include the robotics labs in the Iribe Building, IDEA Factory, and Neutral Buoyancy Research Facility.
  3. MRC workshops are available on a limited basis by request only. To inquire about a workshop for your group, send an email to subject line "MRC Workshop" with the name of your group, number, age of visitors, and visitor affiliation. Due to limited availability, we may not be able to accommodate all workshop requests.

The Maryland Robotics Center has limited resources to demonstrate our robots at outside venues. If you would like to see our robots in action, visit us on Maryland Day, an annual UMD open house on the last Saturday of April. If you would like us to present some of our portable robots at a conference or other large event, please send a request to with a subject line MRC-DEMO-REQUEST and a description of the event including the date, location and number of participants.

Students and Alumni 

The Maryland Robotics Center sends out announcements about upcoming seminars, conferences, events and position openings. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, send an email request with your name, title, affiliation, email address and your advisor's name, if applicable, to with a subject line MRC-SUBSCRIBE.

University of Maryland students are encouraged to join an MRC-sponsored robotics teams. More information on how to join can be found here

The Maryland Robotics Center sponsors robotics teams that enter a robotics competition. More information can be found here.

MRC provides funding to support robotics student research and internship opportunities. For more information on how to apply, click here.

We would enjoy hearing about your success. Please send your story to with a subject line MRC-STUDENT-STORY or MRC-ALUM-STORY. Alumni are encouraged to keep us updated on their  employment experience. 

If you would like to share your experience and feedback on MRC programs, we would like to hear from you. Send your input to with a subject line MRC-PROGRAM-FEEDBACK.

If you would like to volunteer your time to help with robotics demos, tours or other events, send an email to with a subject line MRC-VOLUNTEER.

The MRC Student Ambassador program is open to UMD students who are involved with research in MRC labs. As an Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to help get the word out about activities at your lab, including research breakthroughs and publications. If interested, email with a subject line AMBASSADOR.


MRC Faculty 

To recommend a speaker for our robotics seminar series, send the speaker's name, affiliation, research area and email address to with a subject line MRC-SEMINAR-SPEAKER.
