Conference Travel and Publication Awards

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The Maryland Robotics Center offers support to help mitigate the costs of conference travel and publication fees for students presenting robotics research at academic conferences or publishing their work in academic journals.

How to Apply: 
Conference Travel Support: To apply for conference travel support, please send an email to with the following details:
  1. Name, location, and date of the conference
  2. Title and authors of the paper
  3. Name and affiliation of the student's advisor
  4. Confirmation that the paper has been accepted for presentation
Publication Support: To apply for publication support, please send an email to with the following details: 
  1. Name and link to the journal where the paper is being published
  2. Title and authors of the paper 
  3. Link to the paper 
  4. Name and affiliation of the student's advisor (if applicable)
  5. Confirmation that the paper has been accepted for publication
Please be sure to copy your faculty advisor on the email to
Important Notes: 
Funding is subject to availability and approval by the Institute for Systems Research. If you have any questions, please reach out to
Recipients of MRC Conference Travel Awards and Robotics Team Sponsorships should acknowledge the Maryland Robotics Center where applicable in their presentation and/or competition materials. Recipients are also invited to give a presentation about their paper or competition as part of the MRC Student Seminar Series. Sponsored teams should provide the competition results to MRC, including the names of the winning teams, list of team members, and photos for use on the MRC website and social media. 
