Conference travel support is available from the Maryland Robotics Center to mitigate travel costs for students who present a robotics research paper at an academic conference.
How to Apply: Send a request to with (1) the name, location and date of conference; (2) the title and list of authors of the paper; (3) the name and affiliation of the student’s advisor; and (4) confirmation that the paper has been accepted for presentation by the student. The student advisor should be copied on the request. Best consideration for travel support will be given to students who are the first author of the paper.
If awarded funding, students must submit an ISR travel request form prior to travel. Travel-related purchases on personal credit cards must be approved by the ISR business office. For more information on the UMD travel rules and regulations, contact Ms. Carla Scarbor, 2164 AV Williams, tel.: 301.405.3800, email: