News Story
Maryland Robotics Center presents demonstrations at Maryland Day

On April 25 the Maryland Robotics Center participated in the 17th annual Maryland Day, the University of Maryland’s campus-wide celebration of innovation, creativity, and academic excellence. During this annual event, the University opens its doors to visitors and showcases its research and innovation with free events and activities offered throughout the entire campus.
The Maryland Robotics Center team demonstrated its robots in different locations on campus. The Kim Rotunda team, led by Krishnanand Kaipa Narasimha, showcased bio-inspired robotics, miniature robotics and a NAO robot. The team was comprised of Bryan Hays, Lena Johnson, Ariyan Kabir, Joshua Langsfeld, Nathan Macko, Anwesha Naskar, Luke Roberts, Shaurya Shriyam, Ryan St. Pierre, and Dana Vogtmann.
Professor Gil Blankenship’s students -- Jordan Appler, Debbie Chang, Jessie Halprin, Humphrey Huang, Anish Khattar, Ryan Kuo, Steve Via, and Chris Watts -- demonstrated their autonomous ground vehicles outside the Kim building.
Associate Professor Derek Paley’s team, consisting of Amanda Chicoli, William Craig, Francis Lagor, Daigo Shiskha, and Derrick Yeo, engaged visitors in activities teaching the basics of how planes fly. They also set up a kiddy pool "theater of war" outside the Manufacturing Building.
Three Robotics Center labs also were opened and showcased their innovations, from humanoid cooking robots, to drone maneuvers and the dexterity of space robotic arms. The open labs included Associate Professor Dave Akin’s Space Systems Laboratory and Advanced Robotics Development Laboratory; and Professor Aloimonos's, Baras’s, and Perlis's Autonomy, Robotics, and Cognition Lab.
Published April 29, 2015