Offering fellowships annually
The Maryland Robotics Center awards 2-3 postdoctoral fellowships annually with funding guaranteed for one year. Renewing beyond the first year is subject to funding availability and performance. Competitive salary and benefits are provided. Positions are advertised in January. The fellowships start July 1.
The MRC Postdoctoral Fellowship research areas include:
- Multi-Robot Systems: bio-inspired robotics concepts, time-delayed robotics, robotic swarms, robotic cooperation under limited communication, distributed robotics, crowd and multi-agent simulation
- Medical Robotics: MRI-compatible surgical robotics, haptics-enabled AFM, exoskeletons for rehabilitation, and magnetic micromanipulation for drug delivery
- Miniature Robotics: mesoscale robots; bio-inspired sensing, actuation, and locomotion; cell manipulation; and micro and nano manipulation
- Robotics for Extreme Environments: space robotics and autonomous deep-submergence sampling systems
- Autonomous Uncrewed Systems: micro air vehicles, uncrewed sea surface vehicles, uncrewed underwater vehicles, and planetary surface rovers; robot motion planning
- Bioinspired Robotics: Robots inspired by biological forms; bio-inspired design and manufacturing, artificial muscles, adaptive control of bio-inspired robots, biosensors, soft robots, swarming, co-robotics, multifunctional materials and structures, biomaterials, biolocomotion, energy harvesting, autonomy, humanoid robots, modular robots
- Cognitive Robotics: endowing a robot with intelligent behavior by providing it with a processing architecture that allows it to learn and reason about how to behave in response to complex goals in a complex world. Cognitive robots integrate perception, cognition and action
- Human-Robot Interaction: Human-robot collaboration, human behavior modeling, human-robot communication, learning and cognition, planning and re-planning, management of trust and its effects on collaboration
MRC Postdoctoral Fellows have access to the full range of talent and resources available at the Maryland Robotics Center and are encouraged to interact broadly with the Center faculty in addition to their postdoctoral faculty advisor and their research group to create a successful and strong postdoctoral experience.